96 Tests PN: B111435


45x Ab-conjugated beads (S5P9 - human NRG1-beta1 Ab-bead).PN : B111435A. One vial containing 100 µL of anti-human NRG1-beta1 conjugated to AimPlex Bead S5P9.

25x Biotin-detection Ab (human NRG1-beta1 Biotin-dAb). PN: B111435B. One vial containing 100 µL of biotinylated anti-human NRG1-beta1.

Lyophilized Standard Mix-Human Group 10, Panel B, 7-Plex. PN: HG1007B. One vial containing lyophilized recombinant Lymphotactin, MIA, Midkine, NOV, NRG1-beta1, sTACI, and sTRAIL. Note: If multiple analyte kits on the above target list are ordered as a panel, only one vial of standard mix is supplied for those analyte kits.

Application: Optimal antibody pair and antigen standard for assaying human Human NRG1-beta1/HRG1-beta1. Can be multiplexed with other analytes in Human Group 10.  To be used in conjunction with the AimPlex NR Basic Kit (PN: P100001) and a diluent kit. Refer to the AimPlex Multiplex Immunoassay User Manual and kit inserts for the assay procedure.

Storage:  2-8 C in the dark.

Important: Sodium azide forms explosive compounds with heavy metals. These products contain <0.05% (w/w) azide which with repeated contact with lead and copper commonly found in plumbing drains may result in the buildup of shock sensitive compounds. Dispose in accordance with regulations from your institute.

For Research Use Only.  Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Assay Specifications:

  • Sample types: Cell culture supernatant, serum, plasma, bodily fluid and tissue/cell lysate

  • Sensitivity (LOD): < 20 pg/mL

  • Quantitation range:

  • LLOQ: < 50 pg/mL

  • ULOQ: > 10,000 pg/mL

  • Standard dose recovery: 70-130%

  • Intra-assay CV: < 10%

  • Inter-assay CV: < 20%

  • Cross-reactivity of analytes in Human Group 10: Negligible

  • Sample volume: 15 µL/test


Neuregulin 1 or NRG1 is one of four proteins in the neuregulin family that act on the EGFR family of receptors. Neuregulin 1 is produced in numerous isoforms by alternative splicing, which allows it to perform a wide variety of functions. It is essential for the normal development of the nervous system and the heart. Neuregulin 1-ErbB4 interactions are thought to play a role in the pathological mechanism of schizophrenia.  The NRG1-ErbB4 signaling complex has been highlighted as a potential target for new antipsychotic treatment. Neuregulin 1 has been shown to modulate anxiety-like behaviors.  Neuregulin has been shown to be involved in the myelination of central nervous system axon.  Diseases associated with NRG1 include schizophreniform disorder and schizophrenia.


  1. Holmes WE, Sliwkowski MX, Akita RW, Henzel WJ, Lee J, Park JW, Yansura D, Abadi N, Raab H, Lewis GD (May 1992). "Identification of heregulin, a specific activator of p185erbB2". Science 256 (5060): 1205–10. doi:10.1126/science.256.5060.1205. PMID 1350381.

  2. Orr-Urtreger A, Trakhtenbrot L, Ben-Levy R, Wen D, Rechavi G, Lonai P, Yarden Y (March 1993). "Neural expression and chromosomal mapping of Neu differentiation factor to 8p12-p21". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 90 (5): 1867–71. doi:10.1073/pnas.90.5.1867. PMC 45981. PMID 8095334.

  3. Law AJ, Lipska BK, Weickert CS, Hyde TM, Straub RE, Hashimoto R, Harrison PJ, Kleinman JE, Weinberger DR (April 2006). "Neuregulin 1 transcripts are differentially expressed in schizophrenia and regulated by 5' SNPs associated with the disease". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103 (17): 6747–52. doi:10.1073/pnas.0602002103. PMC 1458952. PMID 16618933.

  4. Hall J, Whalley HC, Job DE, Baig BJ, McIntosh AM, Evans KL, Thomson PA, Porteous DJ, Cunningham-Owens DG, Johnstone EC, Lawrie SM (December 2006). "A neuregulin 1 variant associated with abnormal cortical function and psychotic symptoms". Nat. Neurosci. 9 (12): 1477–8. doi:10.1038/nn1795. PMID 17072305.